Thursday, September 22, 2011

Friday 23/09 end of activity!

Friday 23 September will be my last day of radio-activity from 9U. I will try to be active from 1430z till 1530z (20m) and probably around 2030z till 2200z (15m or 20m). Eventually I could make a sked on saturday early morning if any wants to try, but till now I had no opening in the morning. Anyway I have to dismount the antenna before noon!

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Now also active on 21MHz. I will try to work 15m some late afternoon.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Check my log

You can check if you are in my log . I will try to upload the new log every night when ending the session.

Thanks to G4ZFE for his pages and explanation of Php scripts for log search and to heliohost for free php hosting!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Power outage

Bujumbura suffers huge problem of power supply. Every night, some part of the city in turn are without power. This is called 'delestage'. This is the solution to reduce the overall consumption. The plan is known and you should be able to predict when you will have a night without power. I'm more lucky as our compound has his own power supply and till now we had always power (From the Electric Company or from our own production in function of the 'delestage'). But since monday we have some problems in our own distribution! From our generator a cable with 3 phases runs to our building. Monday some circuits in the appartements were without power! After some inspection, we found that one phase was not reaching the building anymore. Probably one damaged cable from the four bringing power to the building. We adapted the distribution inside the building adding power-cord to cope with the circuits on this phase and to keep working on the two other phases.
Yesterday, was really the bad evening. First the pump that brings fuel to the generator went out. We now have to fill the tank manually. Then an other phase of the  cable to our building burn. So in my apartment I still have 3 light-bulbs working but no power outlet. In other apartments they
are more lucky and enjoy one or two pouwer outlets.
We hope the maintenance team will repair the pump today and replace the cable running to the building as soon as possible.
That's why I desapeared without any warning yesterday night. I was without power! Sorry.
Here at work we enjoy power and internet so I can recharge my laptop and keep you inform ;-)
Tonight, an other night with probably other surprises...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

From today afternoon, some heavy rainfall and thunderstorm. So do not be surprised if i close down the station very fast. I prefer to preserve my rig and be active for the last two week then damaging the equipment after a strike in the area. No idea if it will be so for the next days. Locals says it's a little bit early for the rainy season. We shall see.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This post is open to your comments.
Leave your (good) impression here ;-)

Stats by zone after 2 days

Some stats after two days from the log book

IARU Beacons

During the last 3 days I made some statistics about the IARU 20m beacons I'm able to receive with my dipole antenna on the roof.
This give you an idea when you get a chance to get through.

Some thoughs to debate:
When listening to the IARU Beacon, I'm using a 500Hz filter. Only to compensate de difference in S/N with the 3kHz of the SSB bandwidth, you should need 7,8 dB (10 log(3000/500) ) gain above the gain of the vertical antenna used by the IARU beacon. So if at a certain time I'm just hearing VE8AT, it means that you need a 100W + 7,8dB Gain, and I should hear you, but the signal will remain very low. More gain, more chance to cope with my 'poor' dipole antenna. Extra power will also help, but you need first to hear me ;-)
Leave comment, if you want further to debate this!

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Theoretical propagation planning for 20m from 9U, Sept 2011.
Simulated with VOAProp.

Friday, September 2, 2011

QSL Information

Send your QSL via bureau to ON7CIP.

If you prefer a direct QSL please send minimun 2 US$. Any donations are welcome and needed to cover the high licence fee and the shipping costs.  
For your information postage needed for 1 envelope with 20 Gramm within Belgium = 61 Euro Cent, a letter within Europe costs 93 Euro Cent, a letter outside of Europe is 1.10 Euro. As 1 US$ is equal to 71 Euro Cent, please keep in mind that 1 US$ does not cover the postage needed for an overseas airmail letter or for a letter within Europe! If you do not provide the right return postage or a self addressed envelope, we reply via the buro. Please only one call sign per letter! If more than one, all additional cards go via the buro.

Address for direct:
Pierre Ciparisse
Rue du Mai 10

Licencing in Burundi

Information for the one who would like to come to Burundi and get the 9U prefix:
To apply for radio amateur licence in Burundi, you have to contact "Agence de Régulation et de Contrôle des Télécommunications" ARCT (Regulation and Control Authority for Telecommunication). 

Tel + 257 22 21 0276
Fax + 257 22 24 2832

The licence fee is fixed by law. The last edition is from 2008 and the fee is calculated as follow:
300$ for the first request as administrative cost
5$ for each radio
300$ for one year. proportional reduction apply for shorter stay.
So for one month, you will be requested to pay 300+5+25= 330$ !
As it's fixed by the law, no discussion is possible. What in fact a very positive point is, in a country claiming zero tolerance to corruption. I introduced a file with examples of other country around to demonstrate that it is far above the normal price radio amateur expect to pay for their hobby. I was very well receive by the financial director. She promises me that when the law about licencing fee will be reviewed, they will take my information into account.

I would encourage future activators to take contact with ARCT, and not just pay for the licence but explain what we are doing and that radio amateur activity is not commercial but essential to the promotion of countries and technology development.

Burundi Radio Amateur Activation

I'm currently in Bujumbura. I brought my radio, a power supply and a dipole antenna in my luggage in case I would be able to become radio-active. The procedure to get the licence was very long. It's now ready. I had discussion last week about the requested fee but there is no choice this is the price here and it won't change before I left.
Some radioamateur friends convince me that with this blog and your support I could cover the cost of the licence that is really above my planned bugdet. See the post about licencing for more information.
So I plan to go to the regulation office on monday and to paid for it. The requested callsign is 9U7T and if everything goes fine, I would come into the air on monday the 5th of september in the evening.
It's not a dx expedition as such. I'm here for professional reason and will only be active during my spare time.
I expect to be active about 1hr a day and perhaps more during the weekend, for the next 3 weeks. End of the activation: 25th of september!
No power amplifier, no beam, only 100W and a dipole antenna on 20m.
It's my first experience as dx-er and except one participation to CQWW from OT3A and UBA Fieldday I cannot speak about a huge experience in managing pile-ups. I will do my best to control the situation but do not forget that I'm here for 3 weeks so if you do not qsl from the first day, there are other days to get through.